This has been a interesting summer, we had lots of Rain, this made for high muddy conditions on the Fremont, and some of the other streams in the area, the storms even managed to wash out several roads including the road up on to thousand lake Mtn’, it and some of the others have been repaired, but caution should be used. its been cold! the night are now dropping to near freezing in the valley here and I’ve noticed ice on the mud puddles on the mountain so be ready for cold wet conditions. the fishing over all has been decent with all the water the fish have been fat and happy and as a result might be a little picky about the menu you are offering from your fly box, matching the hatch you will find will help bring more fish to the net. with the cooler temps I’ve noticed both the Brown trout and Brook staging prior to their Spawns, so the next couple of weeks should see some very aggressive fish. the Kokanee Salmon are also staging, I’ve noticed they have not started to move into the creek yet but likely will soon, there appear to be more Splake hanging around with them this year also. so make a note of that.
We hope you all have a great fall season we have several new patterns this year that I’ve personally selected to target the fish here, I know I’m difficult to catch during this season, so I hope you’re patient with me and my help as we try to accomadate you at the fly shop.