Fish Of Our Area
Brown Trout
There was a time in Utah’s history that brown trout were in nearly every stream and river in the state, many of these waters through hard work and dedication have been restored to their native cutthroat trout. our area is no exception, however the Fremont River remains a incredible brown trout fishery with some of the highest numbers of naturally reproducing wild brown trout in the state.

Grayling In Utah!? Absolutely. Boulder Mountain has some of the biggest Grayling in Utah. Imagine a high alpine lake, with a cool breeze carrying the smell of pine and aspen, and fish searching the lake and gently rising to mayflies. You’ve just made the perfect cast, and your offering lies in line with a cruising fish. Suddenly your fly disappears and all that remains is a fading ring of water, you lift your rod tip, and there is an explosion of action, and you’re on to your first Utah Grayling.

Brook Trout
Boulder Mountain is famous for it’s trophy Brook. The lakes on Boulder Mountain have a volcanic base rather then lime stone making them extremely fertile, with a abundance of leeches, scuds, and callibaetis, making for excellent growth opportunities for this Char. Boulder Mountain still holds the state record for Brook, at over 7 Pounds!

Tiger Trout
This Brown trout and Brook Char Hybrid is believed to have first occurred naturally in areas where Brown trout were introduced into waters where native brook thrived. Although most are now artificially created in a hatchery before being released, this area was one of the first areas to experiment with the production and survival of this unique fish. they often grow to enormous size and can drive a fisher crazy with their refusal to eat a fly that is not presented in a very precise way.

This hybrid between a Brook Char and a Lake Char can be as beautiful as a brook and as big as a lake char once developed. It was hoped it would be more resilient to disease and thrive better in both a low and high water reservoir setting and it quickly became prized by fishermen. It is now used as a management tool in many of our local waters.