Quick update on ice conditions.
Forsyth. No open water yet! ice looks pretty rotten to me but there was still some crazy adventures out trying to ice fish, I noticed they weren’t out very far and looked nervous. hopefully open water soon here, maybe a week or two
Millmeadow. ice is coming off fast from this reservoir now and with a little wind I imagine it’ll be gone completely in a couple days, fishing has been spotty. one day we’ll do well picking up fish with midges and balanced leeches the next trip will be a whole lot of nothing, I believe that as the water warms and the currents begin to move it around, that the fish are following the warmer water and food source, so in shallow one day and not the next.
Boulder Mountain with the late spring snow access may be a little later this spring, there is access to Lower Bowns thanks to the forest service opening up the road for some work they have been doing down by the reservoir, fishing was pretty typical for this water, spring can be fun if you are lucky and time your trip with the large midge hatches that come off on the warmer days. most of the rest of the mountain you can and should expect mud and snow drifts, hoping that access is possible to some of the lower lakes by opening day.
Fish Lake still plenty of ice, have not seen any one brave it though for a while… hoping for open water soon,
Fremont River. Upper Fremont is accessible from the highway 72 side only, flows are still low and clear fish seem to be getting more pressure then typical for this stretch, being stealthy is key here, we have done well with haresears and Walts worms in 16 or 18, a variety of small dries have been affective too.