We had heard a couple weeks ago that what little ice there was on Ottercreek reservoir was starting to go, so we took a ride to find out. Nearly half of the lake was open, from North Campground point to Fishermans Bench, from there most of the area near the dam and on along the campground still had ice and people still ice Fishing! I thought that looked pretty unsafe, and anyway I hadn’t come to ice fish. we started at the north point area and worked it for a while but with little success, it seemed the closer you got towards the bench and ice the better the fishing was, we mostly striped brown and black balanced leeches slowly along the bottom for the best success, we tried suspending them as well with less success that day. over all the day was incredible with the warmer temperatures we have been having the fishing has been fantastic, so if you are looking for open water to get out and try in the South Central Utah area, try Ottercreek. we had a great time, you might too.