Fly fishing opportunities are pretty limited for this area, I know your thinking “its Southern Utah it’ll be warmer”, ill remind you its also over 7000′ feet in elevation and the low the last few nights have been single digits, with wind chill. and the highest high we had was 43 with most still hovering closer to the freezing temperature of 32.
That said I mentioned limited, not non existent right? so here are the options…
Bicknell Bottoms
The water temperatures here tend to remain pretty consistent all year, especially if you are fishing closer to the hatchery, I’ve noticed that many of the rainbows that were stocked this year have moved in to this area and are pretty active, our go to method for success has been tossing a variety of Perdigons “in various colors,” but they seem to be particularly fond of pink. for larger fish we have been fishing with jig-headed streamers for the best success.
Upper Fremont
Go small, the waters levels are low and the fish are holding in the deeper pools and runs, the road along side the stream is not maintained for winter travel so extreme caution should be used as you venture out, as with the bottoms the closer you get to the springs the more consistent the water temperatures are and typically the better the fishing will be, small Perdigons in black and red or black and green have been best for us.